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Week 04 Progress Report

·2 mins·
GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR
Suchinton Chakravarty
Suchinton Chakravarty
Welcome to my Blog Post Website!
Table of Contents

Tasks Completed:

# New Animations

This week I made significant changes to the UI elements and animations of the AGL Demo Control Panel to make it more responsive optimized.

Changes can be reviewed here in 29969: Port AGL Demo Control Panel to Qt6

Toggle Button

This week I rewrote the module to remove dependency on the qtwidgets library (Not compatible with Qt6 yet).


Navigation Bar #

The Navigation Bar Animation was also updated to have Bounce effect using “OutBounce” QEasingCurve.

# Converting Data from CARLA to CAN messages

This Week I modified the module from the CARLA Python API examples programs to convert the extracted data into their equivalent CAN format using the agl-vcar.dbc file.

class convert_to_can(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = cantools.database.load_file('test.dbc')
        self.can_bus = can.interface.Bus('vcan0', bustype='socketcan')
        self.speed_message = self.db.get_message_by_name('Vehicle_Status_1')
        self.gear_message = self.db.get_message_by_name('Transmission')
        self.speed_cache = 0
        self.steer_cache = 0
        self.gear_cache = "P"
    def send_car_speed(self, speed):
        if int(speed) != int(self.speed_cache):
            if(int(speed) != 0):
            self.speed_cache = speed
            data = self.speed_message.encode({'CAR_SPEED': speed})
            message = can.Message(arbitration_id=self.speed_message.frame_id, data=data)


Next week I will continue working on and writing it into a CAN-dump file along with its timestamp for playback purposes.

This CAN dump file will be used by the AGL Demo Control Panel to feed data into the CAN interface using python-can.

Next Week Tasks:

  • Continue work on file playback using CARLA.
  • Add support in AGL Demo Control Panel to Playback CAN Dump files.
  • Continue working on New Page to display tyre pressure data.
  • Bump up kuksa-client from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3 (Latest).


Week 03 Progress Report
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GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR
Week 02 Progress Report
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GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR
Week 01 Progress Report
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GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR