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Week 05 Progress Report

·1 min·
GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR
Suchinton Chakravarty
Suchinton Chakravarty
Welcome to my Blog Post Website!
Table of Contents

Tasks Completed:

# Code Merged this week:

  • 29992: Update Dockerfile for PyQt6 Compatibility.
  • 29969: Port AGL Demo Control Panel to Qt6.

# Kuksa-client

This kuksa-client was bumped up from 0.4.2 to 0.4.3.

# carla_to_CAN

This week I pushed 30049: (WIP) Add Python Script to Convert CARLA data into CAN messages.

The script can be run run alongside an existing CARLA simulation to fetch data and convert it into CAN signals.

Steps to set up

python3.8 -m venv carlaenv
source carlaenv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Steps to run

./ # To set up the vcan0 interface
python -u

# OR
python -u --host <carla_server_ip> --port <carla_server_port>

These CAN messages can now be written into the Playback text file, which will be read by the AGL-Demo-Control-Panel for the playback feature.

Next Week Tasks:

  • (WIP) New page for tyre pressure readings.
  • Add support in AGL Demo Control Panel to Playback CAN Dump files.
  • Test and debug the AGL Demo Control Panel.
  • Prepare for mid-term evaluation.


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