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Week 09 Progress Report

·2 mins·
GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR
Suchinton Chakravarty
Suchinton Chakravarty
Welcome to my Blog Post Website!
Table of Contents

Tasks Completed:

During the ninth week of my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project, I made significant strides in implementing the CARLA-CAN-File playback feature within the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) ecosystem. Below, I provide detailed information about the tasks completed, documentation updates, and plans for the upcoming week.

# Successfully built the Demo Control Panel image and tested it on RPi4 and Qemu.

This week involved building and texting the AGL Demo Control Panel on actual hardware and testing it’s compatibility with other AGL apps.

# Minor Bug fixes and Refactoring.

  • Fix Playback File selection dropdown not populating when no recorded file is found.
  • Fix Crash for when playback mode is not specified in config.ini
  • Started Refactoring the vehicle_simulator module to simulate tyre pressure readings; CARLA does not provide this data vai APIs.

# Code Merged:

  • 30049: Add Python Script to Convert CARLA data into CAN messages:
    - Add script to convert CARLA data into CAN messages
    - Add README and requirements.txt

    - Add script to record and playback messages from can interface
    - Fix mappings to agl-vcar.dbc file

    - Fix playback feature for
    - Update requirements.txt
    - Update README to explain setup and usage of Scripts with CARLA

    - Add file playback feature to Demo Control Panel
    - Remove dependency on numpy to calculate 
           vehicle speed, use math lib instead
    - can now be imported and also be 
           used in standalone mode
    - Fix: Now data is sent to CAN interface only when it 
           is updated
    - Fix: Delay is now based on previous timestamp
           and not the starting timestamp
    - Fix: Send correct Gear messages, compatible 
           with the agl-vcar signals
  • 30107: Pre-compile resources and remove unused dependencies:
    - Use rcc to compile qrc resource file on host, and 
      remove post install step to compile on target.
    - Remove PySide6 as dependency for demo control panel 
      as python3-qtwidgets is no longer used to provide 
      toggle button, and pyside6-rcc is not provided.

    - Replace PySide6 with PyQt6 at the resouce compile 
    - Add dynamic layer for meta-qt6 to provide 
      QtWidgets and QtSvg
    - Update runtime dependencies to provide bash and
      python3-rich for CLI interface

Next Week Tasks:

  • Work with Justin from ICS to improve the UX/UI elements.
  • Continue working on the New Page to display tyre pressure data.
  • Work on keypad features.


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