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Week 13 Progress Report

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GSoC 2024 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '24 WPR
Suchinton Chakravarty
Suchinton Chakravarty
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Tasks Completed:

During the thirteenth week of my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project, I continued working on refactoring developing the UI elements and the Keypad features for the AGL-Demo-Control-Panel. Below, I provide detailed information about the tasks completed, documentation updates, and plans for the upcoming week.

# Keypad Features

This week I refactored the Keypad Page, changes include:

  • SSH Session is retained,
  • User is prompted upon disconnect
  • Config File support to enable or disable visibility of page

This has been acomplished using the Paramiko library.

Using Paramiko over direct system calls for SSH operations offers several advantages,

  • Session Reuse: Paramiko supports reusing SSH sessions, which can significantly reduce connection overhead when executing multiple commands against the same server. Managing such connections efficiently with system calls requires additional logic.
  • SFTP Support: Beyond just executing commands, Paramiko also supports SFTP operations, allowing for secure file transfers over SSH. Implementing SFTP functionality via system calls would require additional tools and more complex setup.
  • and more.

The keys execte the following command on the host system, for reference;

class MomiKeyHandler:
    def __init__(self):
        config_data = config.get_ssh_config()        

        self.ssh_client = None = config_data.get("host") if config_data.get("host") else None
        self.username = config_data.get("username") if config_data.get("username") else None
        self.password = config_data.get("password") if config_data.get("password") else None
        self.ssh_key_path = config_data.get("ssh_key_path") if config_data.get("ssh_key_path") else None

    def establish_ssh_connection(self):
            self.ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()

            if self.password is None:
                self.password = getpass("Enter password for {}: ".format(self.username))

            if self.ssh_key_path:
                private_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.ssh_key_path)
                self.ssh_client.connect(, username=self.username, pkey=private_key)
                self.ssh_client.connect(, username=self.username, password=self.password)

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Connection failed: {e}")

    def execute_script(self, command):
        if not self.ssh_client or not self.ssh_client.get_transport().is_active():

            stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh_client.exec_command(command)
            output =
            error_output =
            if output:
            if error_output:
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Execution failed: {e}")

class KeypadWidget(Base, Form):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(parent)
        self.momi_key_handler = None

        # Mapping of keys to commands
        self.key_commands = {
            "Key_1": "echo 'Key 1 pressed' # cmcontrol --change-active-guest-name=agl-flutter-ivi-demo && cmcontrol --shutdown-guest-role=ivi",
            "Key_2": "echo 'Key 2 pressed' # cmcontrol --change-active-guest-name=agl-qt-ivi-demo && cmcontrol --shutdown-guest-role=ivi",
            "Key_3": "echo 'Key 3 pressed' # cmcontrol --change-active-guest-name=agl-momi-ivi-demo && cmcontrol --shutdown-guest-role=ivi",
            "Key_4": "echo 'Key 4 pressed' # cmcontrol --change-active-guest-name=agl-html5-ivi-demo && cmcontrol --shutdown-guest-role=ivi",
            "Key_5": "echo 'Key 5 pressed' # cmcontrol --force-reboot-guest-role=ivi",
        # Connect all keys to the same slot
        for key_name in self.key_commands.keys():
            key_button = self.findChild(QPushButton, key_name)
            key_button.clicked.connect(lambda _, x=key_name: self.execute_script(x))

    def execute_script(self, key_name):
        if self.momi_key_handler is None:
            self.momi_key_handler = MomiKeyHandler()
        command = self.key_commands[key_name]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    w = KeypadWidget()

# (WIP) New QML UI

This week I continued working on the QML-based UI elements for the AGL-Demo-Control-Panel.

These new widgets are written in QML, being more flexible and versatile will lead to the UI elements being more expressive.

Here is the reference design shared by the ICS team amd Justin Noel which I’m using as refernce for the new UI.


The AGL Demo Control Panel will still use PyQt6 for the main application while the new QML elements will be handled by separate modules to be rendered as child QObjects.

This week I also collaborated with Justin Noel / ICS to refer to their generated code for the Control Panel demo app written in C++ and GreenHouse code generator.

While the code is generated and not a drop in solution to the AGL-Demo-Control-Panel, it gives me a good base for reference.

Next Week Tasks:

  • Continue working on the new UI elements.
  • Build and test images for the new UI and features.
  • Push changes to Gerrit for review by mentors.


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