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Week 12 Progress Report

·4 mins
GSoC 2023 AGL The Linux Foundation GSoC '23 WPR
Suchinton Chakravarty
Suchinton Chakravarty
Welcome to my Blog Post Website!

# Topics To Be Covered In This Post

  • What I did this week
    • Created CAN interface using cannelloni
    • Implemented the FeedCAN module.
    • Added support for sending Steering wheel CAN messages.
    • Created a test script for sending CAN frames using the USB CAN adapter.
  • What I plan to do next

# How to use cannelloni

To test the AGL Demo Control Panel for sending CAN messages to the target machine, we can create a virtual CAN interface using cannelloni.  Cannelloni is a SocketCAN over Ethernet tunnel that uses UDP to transfer CAN frames between two machines. Here are the steps used to create a vcan interface using Cannelloni between the host machine (laptop) and target machine (Raspberry Pi) running the AGL IVI Image:

Note: Since I am using the IVI image for testing this, there is no need to install cannelloni and configure the can0 interface on the target machine.

  1. On both machines, create the virtual CAN interface with the command:
 sudo ip link add dev can0 type vcan
  1. On both machines, bring the virtual CAN interface online with the command: 
sudo ip link set up can0
  1. On both machines, install cannelloni from its GitHub repository
  2. On one machine (e.g. the laptop), run cannelloni as a server with the command: 
cannelloni -I can0 -R <raspberry pi IP address> -L \
<laptop IP address> -S 20000 -D 20000
  1. On the other machine (e.g. the Raspberry Pi), run cannelloni as a client with the command: 
cannelloni -I can0 -R <laptop IP address> -L \
<raspberry pi IP address> -S 20000 -D 20000
  1. You should now be able to send and receive CAN frames between the two machines using the vcan interface and Cannelloni.

To test connection

On the sender machine (Laptop):

cansend can0 021#FFFFFFFF80000000

On receiver machine (RPi4): -c can0 -i socketcan
# OR
candump can0

# FeedCAN module

The “FeedCAN” module sends a CAN signal using the can module by defining a function send_can_signal that takes a CAN frame as input, separates the frame into arbitration ID and data parts, and sends the CAN signal using the can.interface.Bus class.

import can

def send_can_signal(frame):
    msg = separate_can_frame(frame)
    bus = can.interface.Bus(channel='can0', bustype='socketcan')
        print("CAN signal sent successfully:")
        print("CAN ID:", hex(msg.arbitration_id))
    except can.CanError:
        print("Failed to send CAN signal")

def separate_can_frame(frame):
    # split the frame into arbitration ID and data parts
    arb_id, data = frame.split("#")
    arb_id = int(arb_id, 16)
    data = bytes.fromhex(data)
    message = can.Message(arbitration_id=arb_id, data=data)
    return message
def main():
    frame = "021#FFFFFFFF10000000"

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Steering wheel CAN messages

After making the FeedCAN, the next step involved defining the relevant CAN frames for the Steering controls and mapping them accordingly. To simplify the convention, I decided to map the VSS path and CAN frame message to the Object name (QPushButton).

self.switches = {

"VolumeUp": ["Vehicle.Cabin.SteeringWheel.Switches.VolumeUp","021#FFFFFFFF40000000"],
"VolumeDown": ["Vehicle.Cabin.SteeringWheel.Switches.VolumeDown","021#FFFFFFFF10000000"],
"VolumeMute": ["Vehicle.Cabin.SteeringWheel.Switches.VolumeMute","021#FFFFFFFF01000000"],

Then depending on whether the user wishes to send the Kuksa signal or CAN messages, we can easily switch between the two.

def controls_clicked(self, button):
	button_clicked = button.objectName()
	# send CAN message
	# send kuksa signal
	(self.Steering.switches[button_clicked][0], str(true))

# Test script for USB CAN adapters

I also created a test script for the USB CAN adapters which allows us to send messages over the interface, however, the downside is that the adapter does not show up as a CAN interface on the machine. Possible solutions, if we decide to go ahead with the adapters for demo purposes, we could create a small Python script that routes all the incoming messages to the can0 interface.

Test script

Sender (Host machine):

from can import Message
from can.interfaces.seeedstudio import SeeedBus
import threading
import time

class CanSend(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, channel):
        super(CanSend, self).__init__()
        self.bus = SeeedBus(bustype='seeedstudio', channel=channel, bitrate=1000000)
        self.stop_requested = threading.Event()

    def run(self):
        while not self.stop_requested.is_set():
            button_actions = [
                { "button": "previous", "data": 0xFFFFFFFF80000000 },
                { "button": "volup", "data": 0xFFFFFFFF40000000 },
                # We can add more buttons here
            for button_action in button_actions:

    def stop(self):

    def send_button_action(self, button_action):
        arbitration_id = 0x021
        data = button_action["data"]
        message = Message(arbitration_id=arbitration_id, data=[data & 0xff, (data >> 8) & 0xff, (data >> 16) & 0xff, (data >> 24) & 0xff], is_extended_id=False)

sender = CanSend('/dev/ttyUSB0')

Receiver (RPi4):

import can

def receive_can_messages():
    # Create a new 'SeeedBus' instance with 'usb0' channel
    bus = can.interface.Bus(channel='/dev/ttyUSB0', bustype='seeedstudio')

    # Loop to continuously receive messages
    while True:
        # Receive a message
        message = bus.recv()

        # If a message is received, print its details
        if message is not None:
            print(f'Received message: {message}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

# What Next?

  • Initial work on using kuksa-client version 0.4.0
  • Subscribe to VSS signals for registering changes made on target.
  • If necessary, I could implement a service to route the incoming messages on the can0 interface. (after discussion with mentors)


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